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Unveiling busts of Admiral Votsi, Nick Vlahopoulou and M. Kofou. PDF Print E-mail
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Photos from the unveiling of busts of Admiral Nick Votsi, Nick Vlahopoulou and M. Kofou.

Today Sunday 3rd of March 2013 attended at the Maritime Museum of Litohoro Mayor of DION - OLYMPUS Mr. Papathanasiou George, the Deputy Minister of National Defence Mr. Elefsiniotis Dimitrios, the Commander of 1st Army, the Commander of Maritime Command of Northern Greece Mr. Pavloudis Chris, the Commander of XXIV Armored Brigade of Litohoro, the District Commissioner of Central Macedonia Mr. Tzitzikostas Apostolos, the Regional vice Governor of Pieria Mrs. Sophia Mayridou, the MPs from the Prefecture of Pieria Konstantopoulos and Mani, the author of the book "The achievement of Admiral Votsi" Mr. Maltsidis, the modelship maker of wooden ships Mr Maras Dimitris and many more.

The unveiling of the busts were made by the granddaughter of Michael Kofou Mrs. Kofou Fanny(unveiling bust of Michael Kofou), the Deputy Minister of Defence Mr. Eleysinioti Dimitrio grandson of a torpedo navy from the Torpedo ship 11 (T11) (unveiling bust of Admiral Votsi) and Nick Skretas great grandson of Nick Vlahopoulou(unveiling bust of Nick Vlahopoulou).
At the end of the ceremony there were given souvenirs to representatives of sponsors of the Maritime Museum of Litohoro. The award was made by the President of Maritime Museum of Litohoro, on behalf of Captain Dimitriou Athanasio to Mr. Spyros Davanos and on behalf of Mr Antoneli Chris to Mr. Antonelis Aygoustis.
Short speech by President of the Maritime Museum of Litohoro that preceded the unveiling.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of Maritime Museum of Litohoro, I welcome the Minister of Defence as a representative of the Government, the Commanders of 1st Army Corps and XXIV Army Brigade as representatives of General Army Staff, the Commander of Maritime Administration of Northern Greece as representative of the Navy General Staff, representatives of Region and Municipal authorities, our Cyprus brothers and all of you who honor us with your presence.
Yesterday we honored Mr. Dionysis Paschalis for his contribution to fellow man and this without waiting for something in return.
Today we thank and honor our fellow country men:
Captain Thanasis Dimitriou and captain Chris Antonelis for their continuously offer to enrich and upgrade of the Maritime Museum.
These contributions have yet another deeper national symbolism.
Through the never ending pressures, slanders and all kind of blackmail and aggressions that our homeland suffers from the supposedly powerful of Earth, show that Greek society still has large stock of workforce that believes in Romiosini and the future of this country.
Let it be known so to Rothschild, Brookings, Bildemberg and to those who serve the IMF (International Monetary Fund) that in Romiosini never end the Korovagkoi that will say again: "We were forced to resort to arms(in the broad sense of the word), or die at least as people and Greek if we are not allowed to live as logical and free."
In Romiosini doesn't end also names such as Votsi, Argyropouloi, Kountouriotides, that will hang/put again the ZULU on their masts and shout loud "we sail with headlong momentum against the enemies of the nation".
Let them not forget that here was born the hydra, cut off one head and they grow ten.
All those above they know too well all these years, are written by the patriarch of the theory of "Aryan race" and "global governance".
I will read a paragraph of the many that say:
"Who are all these people claiming among people the position of Genius? Unfortunately we didn't have the chance to discover hemlock that saves us from a similar phenomenon, because neither poison nor envy nor the unbridled slander failed to touch their insolent serenity. That's why in front of Greek people we experience shame and awe. At least one man who honors the truth accepts that people are similar to the charioteer who's driving the chariot, Greek people hold in their hands the reins of our culture, the arts and science".
Frederick Nietzsche.






















































































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