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From the General Assembly of Navy Museum Litohorou 2012 PDF Print E-mail
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The annual General Assembly of Maritime Museum Litohorou took place on Sunday 8th of April 2012 after it had been postponed from February due to bad wheather conditions prevailing in the city. In the beginning the speech was given to the President of Maritime Museum Litohorou Mr. Vlahopoulo Nick who thanked for their presence: The Mayor Mr. Farmakis George, member of the Board of Directors from the Municipality Dion – Olympus Mr. George Eleytheriou, President from the Municipal Community Litohorou Mr. Andrias Dimitrios and also the more than 50 attendees friends – members of Maritime Museum Litohorou he referred to the issues of the agenda such as:

1. Annual Report of year 2011.
2. Action Planning of year 2012.
3. Financial Report of year 2011.
Later on followed the speech of the President.
Annual Report of year 2011:
1) We organized a two month exhibition (July – August 2011) with themes/topics:
History of Cartography from 16th to 19th century with an exhibition of authentic maps from Greek islands and coasts with corresponding version of information material.
Exhibition of photographic and Archival material for the 100 years history 1911 – 2011 Battlecruiser ship "G. Averof" with corresponding version of information material.
Exhibition of authentic woodenship models from Greece and different places around the world from Minoan era until today: Designs of Mr. Maras Dimitris and Mr. Parlitsis Asteris.
Oil paintings of ships from Litohoro made by the members of Cultural Group Litohorou.
2) Electronic recording of the Maritime Museum Litohorou from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism through the program "Drasis" as an official recognized carrier contemporary Maritime Cultural Heritage.
3) Ordering and installing of the Emblem of Maritime Museum Litohorou.
4) Placing/mounting of a ship's anchor to the courtyard of Maritime Museum.
5) After a gently sponsorship of Captain Dimitriou Thanasis an order of a brass statue of a sailor from Litohoro in a normal size man became reality.
6) After a gently sponsorsip from the family of Mr. Charalabos Liakonis and Mrs. Paraskevi (Voulas) Constantine Mavrou the Maritime Museum Litohorou received a maquette of a ship type "Liberty" from an authorized company of United States of America located in Main, place where during the second World War ships were being constructed of the best formula type.
7) During the year 2011 were given several publications both in the press and electronic media.
8) The number of visitors who visited/toured the Maritime Museum Litohorou continued during 2011 with an increasing number. Particular attention is given to the student field visits/tours (visits from schools not only from our region) place that is the most receptive age part of our society in the assimilation of desire for knowledge. In addition to the above visits/tours the website of the Maritime Museum Litohorou shows great interest to the internet users about the articles that are being published in the website. At this point it is worth mentioning that in less than 17 months more than 20.000 electronic visitors have already seen/visited the website ( For that we have to thank volunteer operator of electronic project Mr. Apostolis Triantafyllou.
9) In 2006 we submitted an application to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Ephrate of Underwater Antiquities) for concession to the Maritime Museum of Litohoro a series of Amphorae. After five (5) years of bureaucratic procedures in 2011 was issued the relavent approval. We put it on hold for one (1) year because the terms of the contract and transportation costs were considered prohibitive moreover there is a relavent decision of the Board of Directors from Maritime Museum Litohorou in the 31st record.

Planning action for year 2012
1. During the celebration for the 100 years of free Macedonia – Thessaloniki we are planning to organize a four (4) month exhibition (July – August – September – October 2012) in collaboration with the Maritime Museum of Greece – the Foundation of Museum Macedonian Struggle – War Museum of Thessaloniki – Navy General Stuff (DEDIS) with theme/topic: "Travelogue races for the Liberation of Macedonia – Balkan Wars 1912 – 1913".
2. Publish of an information leaflet for the understanding of the above exhibition.
3. We sent a request to the Navy General Staff within the celebration of War Navy for the 100 years of Liberated Macedonia – Epirus – Thrace – North Eastern Aegean Islands and the tour of the Navy Music Marching Band of War Navy with visits and concerts, include to their program also Litohoro so as with the Municipal Authority will became the relavent event.
4. There will be a participation and presentation of Maritime Museum Litohorou to the National Panhellenic Congress of Maritime Museums which will take place in Athens Peiraias organized by the Maritime Museum of Greece.
5. Upgrading of the Maritime Museum with the construction and installation of the busts Admiral Nick Votsis, sailors captains from Litohoro Vlachopoulos Nick and Michael Kofos for the daring venture of blasting with torpidoes the Turkish Battleship "Fetchi – Bulent".
6. Special meeting/event for the Macedonian Struggle and the Balkan Wars with special speakers/lecturers as well as the presentation of the book of Mr. Mastagkas Sotiris entitled: "Chronicles of Litochorou 1912 – 2012 / 100 years of associations" is scheduled for the above period of exhibition.
7. There will be the unveilling of the brass statue of "Sailor from Litochoro" in a special ceremony which will be determined by the Board of Directors in cooperation with the sponsor Captain Dimitriou Thanassis.
8. Establishment of Library with Historical Content (immediately after the concession of the relavent place will be given).
9. The coloration of the Maritime Museum finaly finishes with the help of the Municipal Authority who offered the colors and the volunteer offer of Mr. Kyritsis Kostas.
In the end of his speech the President mentioned the following:
Friends and members of Maritime Museum Litohorou. All those that you heard about the Annual report of the year 2011 and the planning actions for year 2012 was done without state funding. They were made with your subscriptions, the meager ticket entry of 2 euros (€) and from the sponsoring/donations from members and friends from Litohoro and from other places also. To all those and to the Municipal Authority I would like to say a big thank you.
The operating cost, operating hours, scheduled tours of schools, clubs/groups and associations throughout the year are being covered by the voluntary work of Members from the Board of Directors Maritime Museum Litohorou and some other volunteers, when we talk about volunteer work we mean more than 1000 hours per year.
We should be one if not the only guild where everyone of us put his/her personal responsibility and professional expertise and quality in our common volunteer "Cooperation".
We continue also like that in the year 2012.
Another finding conclusion is that:
The Maritime Museum is annualy getting bigger and bigger with the increasing number of the exhibits and the activities that take place.
In terms of coverage area we are at the stage of supersaturation. It is finally time the Municipal Authority to materialize/implement the repeated unanimous decisions of the City Council and to grant to the Maritime Museum Litochorou this room. The days used by the City Council does not exceed 12 to 13 per year.
I believe that when there is: "WILL – VOLITION – THERE ARE SOLUTIONS".
Thank you
President of Maritime Museum Litohorou
Nick Vlachopoulos.

Later on the speech was given to the Vice President of Maritime Museum Mr. Karponis Thanassis, after having thanked the attendees with his turn he proceeded to the Financial Report of year 2011.
Cash Balance till 31/12/2010: 3.403,29€
Revenue 2011: 3.766,00€
Total Fund: 7.169,29€

Total Revenue year 2011: 7.169,29€
Total Expenses year 2011: 3.551,74€
Total Fund: 3.617,55€

Deposit book: 2.087,01€
Cash: 1.530,54€
Total Fund: 3.617,55€.
The data above were given after checking all items of receipts – expenses audited by the elected Audit Committee from the last election.
Followed a dialogue between the members – friends related to the happenings of Maritime Museum Litohorou and also accurate were the observations made by Mr. Eleytheriou George and Mr. Andrias Dimitrios concerning the performing of another event at the same time. The answer was as expected because the specific event was scheduled from February. Thereafter Mr. Mastagkas Sotiris mentioned about the presentation of the book which will be presented in the event told a few things about the book. Finally at the end of the event was ended by the Mayor of Dion – Olympus Mr. Farmakis George who thanked with his turn the attendees with the promise of his gentle support since he is aware about the issue of the grant of this room since his occupation with the community issues in the former Municipality of Litohorou and with his new capacity is known. He also said that he will be always on the side of Maritime Museum Litohorou.


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