Tour of Greek and French visitors 7th of August 2014 |
Written by mouseio |
On Thursday 7th of August 2014 the designer of the French newspaper LE FIGARO Mr. XAVIER PETREL, the kindergarten/nursery teacher Mrs. ANNE PETREL and developer/programmer Mr. YANN LE SAINT accompanied by: Mr. Vangelis THEODOSIOU travel agent, Mrs. VICKY Serfiotou officer ETE, Mr. Kostis KARAPANAGIOTIS lawyer, Mrs. Renata Serfiotou teacher and Mr. TSIOTSIOS ALEKOS visited and toured the exhibits of Maritime Museum Litochorou and the exhibition of wooden ship models/effigies of Mr. Dimitris Maras. The tour was made by the President of the Naval Museum Litochorou Mr. Triantafyllou John and Member of the Board Directors of N.M.L. Mr. Kokranis Athanasios. Photos from the tour you can see below:
Έργα Δημήτρη Μάρα |
Εργασία - Έρευνα Σαπφώ Μορτάκη |
Εργασίες - βιβλία Μασταγκά Σωτήρη |
Εργασίες Καρπώνης Αθανάσιος |
Ψηφιακή περιήγηση |