Presentation book "Michael" of Andreas Almalis |
Written by mouseio |
This Saturday 17th of August 2013 in the hall of the Maritime Museum Litochorou was the presentation of the book "Michael" author Andrea Almalis. It began with a short speech by the President of the Maritime Museum Litochorou Mr. Vlachopoulo Nick welcoming people who came and went on with a few words about the book. The speech afterwards was given to the Mayor of Municipality Dion - Olympus George Papathanasiou made a brief speech. After the Mayor lady Sappho Mortaki Dr. history professor - Museologist made a short speech about the book and the story. In the end about the book spoke the author Andreas Almalis. There was also left and time for questions. The participation of the people in the presentation was great. From politics names like Mayor Municipality Dion - Olympus Mr. George Papathanasiou, Deputy Mayor Mr. Georgios Pharmakis, Mrs. Sophia Zourzoura, Mr. Georgios Eleftheriou, Mr. Nikos Lappas. From Cultural Group Litochorou (C.G.L.) Mrs. Koukioti Niki and Mrs. Galanopoulou Charis. Teachers Mr. Mavromatis Evangelos and Mrs. Nika Litsa. From the Maritime Museum Litochorou were President Mr. Nikos Vlachopoulos and directors Mr. Ioannis Triantafillou and Mr. Chris Felonis. At the end the author signed books to the readers.
Έργα Δημήτρη Μάρα |
Εργασία - Έρευνα Σαπφώ Μορτάκη |
Εργασίες - βιβλία Μασταγκά Σωτήρη |
Εργασίες Καρπώνης Αθανάσιος |
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