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Announcement - Reception banquet for the honor of St Nicolas PDF Print E-mail
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The Board Directors of Maritime Museum of Litohoro in the celebration of the protector of sailors St Nicholas - the celebration of ten (10) years 2002 to 2012 orderly and rising function of the Museum since its foundation and also for the completement of one hundred years 1912 - 2012 of release - integration of Macedonia in the National Body:

Invites the members and friends of the Maritime Museum to honor with their presence the otherwise simple/plain (due to economic crisis) banquet that will be hosted on the day of St Nicholas, on 6th of December 2012 time at 11:00 in the morning in the hall of Maritime Museum of Litohoro.

invitations won't be sent.

This announcement is an invitation.

Litohoro 30th of November 2012.


For the Board of Directors of the Museum

The President

Nick Vlahopoulos


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