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Book presentation of Argyris Maltsidis in Thessaloniki PDF Print E-mail
Written by mouseio   
On October 22nd 2012 at the City Hall of Thessaloniki was the presentation of the book "Nikolaos Votsis and the torpedoing of FETHI-BULLENT" of Mr Argyri Maltsidi.
Prologued by: Mayor Mr John Boutari, the Governor of the Maritime Administration of Northern Greece Mr Chris Payloudis, the Director of Macedonian Struggle Mr Nikoltsios and the President of Maritime Museum of Litohoro Mr Nick Vlahopoulos.

I also want to add in my turn as grandson of Vlahopoulos navigator of the war ship
"Torpedo boat 11", which was commanded by Chief mate Mr Votsi, torpedoed the Turkish battleship Fethi-Bullent on 18th of October 1912 in the port of Thessaloniki. Let me to compliment the author Mr Maltsidi for his excellent work and to extend a big thank you.
The Historical facts are more or less known, moreover there will be mentioned in detail by the author himself.
1912 - 2012: One hundred (100) years of free Macedonia. The doctrine Metternich which prevailed then in Europe. Namelessly, free and sovereign states are only the so-called Great Powers (England - Russia - France - Austria-Hungary - Germany). All other states were considered as limited sovereignty, as even in the international forums were being represented by representatives from the Great Powers.
The doctrine of Merkel - Schauble dominates today.
Baptized as fiscal discipline.
Under these conditions our grandparents managed then to double in population and land our motherland Greece, how and why is simple: the few who had money spent all or a large part of their wealth for the preparation of the armed forces army land and sea (army). A large number of people volunteered and were enlisted in the war (people from Mani - Cretans - Epirotes - Thessaly - Garivaldinoi from the U.S. and Greek's from around the globe with Macedonians as forefront).
Others boldest made the "Excess" such as Kountouriotis - Votsis - Argyropoulos - Nikoglou etc. triggered in a nutshell what we call Greek pride.
Nowadays what?
Some people with fortune smuggle their money stolen or not, thus contributing to the bankruptcy of our country, to buy later at low prices the property of their neighbor - their friend or even their brother. And the others many of them live in their Nirvana as spectators watch from their couch (as long as it belongs to them that is) the drama of Greece.
Unfortunately my friends, we were once many of the Greeks.
How and why we all lessened?
Where are the spiritual leaders? Where are the forefronts? Where are the leaders?
Unfortunately my friends we were ALTERED.
The Roman was captured from within.
On the occasion of this crisis I think the time has come.
To be once again proud Greeks. All is not lost, as long as we want it to and rethink about who we are - from where we come from and where are we headed to.
Only then will we have a future and position in the new global society that is coming.
















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