Visit from the 20th of August 2012 |
Written by mouseio |
Today 20th of August 2012 the Maritime Museum of Litohoro was visited by a lot of people for a guided tour around the exhibits of the one hundred years of free Macedonia - Thessaloniki but also for the exhibits that the Maritime Museum that has to be seen by the croud/viasitors. Amond the visitors were a lot of kids that saw and learned about ships and maritime history. Photos of the visit can be seen below:
Έργα Δημήτρη Μάρα |
Εργασία - Έρευνα Σαπφώ Μορτάκη |
Εργασίες - βιβλία Μασταγκά Σωτήρη |
Εργασίες Καρπώνης Αθανάσιος |
Ψηφιακή περιήγηση |